Transformers of THIBIDI are designed to approach international standards. Our product are tested according to IEC - 60076 standards or customers’ requirements.
THIBIDI transformers have been certified “Power-saving product” in accordance with TCVN: 8525:2010 by the Ministry of Trade.
1 ► Specifications of standard transformers:
- Capacity: from 30kVA to 15000kVA
- Voltage: up to 35kV. Type: Hermetically sealed type and opened type (with conservator and dehydration breather), indoor and outdoor use.
The transformers have good ability to withstand short-circuit. Transformer windings are designed to withstand impulse voltages caused of lightning.
Tư vấn bán hàng: 091.915.3347 (Mr. Tiến - Export)
Hotline SCBH: 0858.261.261
Tư vấn kỹ thuật: 0859.261.261