Testing tải catelogue

To ensure product quality when launching to the market and meeting customer requirements, the company has invested in a quality control lab equipped with modern technology. This lab has become a transformer testing laboratory that meets the IEC 17025 standards, certified by the General Department of Standards, Metrology, and Quality with the designation VILAS 054.

To ensure product quality when launching to the market and meeting customer requirements, the company has invested in a quality control lab equipped with modern technology. This lab has become a transformer testing laboratory that meets IEC 17025 standards, certified by the General Department of Standards, Metrology, and Quality with the designation VILAS 054.

All transformers are tested according to the IEC 60076 standard in this laboratory. According to this standard, transformers undergo Routine Tests and Type Tests. Routine Tests are performed on each transformer.


Routine Tests include:

  • Measurement of transformer ratio.
  • Measurement of polarity and vector group.
  • Measurement of DC resistance of high-voltage and low-voltage windings.
  • Measurement of no-load loss and no-load current.
  • Measurement of short-circuit loss and short-circuit impedance.
  • Measurement of insulation resistance.
  • High-voltage testing.

Type Tests are conducted on representative transformers.


Type Tests include:

  • Temperature rise test.
  • Lightning impulse test.
  • Short-circuit withstand test.
  • Noise level determination.

Additionally, the company's laboratory also performs transformer testing according to customer-specific standards.

Workers conducting transformer tests.


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